Why you should have your hot water serviced

The water heater is the last thing that gets maintained in your home.  We all know it is the first thing we typically use when we get up.  If you have a large or small household, we recommend your service once a year.  Fall is the best time to have your system serviced.  We don't want you to wake up to a cold shower in the winter.

Why you should have your water system serviced:

Annual Maintenance

This can prolong its life; preventing repairs further down the road.  We will save you the trouble of a broken water heater later on down the road. This will also help improve your water heaters efficiency, which will save as much money as possible.

How long do Water Heaters last?

We see water heaters last between 6 to 13 years.  We have seen water heaters last longer than 20 years.  A few things that are in consideration for those long last systems; annual  maintenance and water quality. 

Signs your water heater is going out.

Water color change, the odor coming from the hot water, and murky water from the tap can also be a signs.  Let us swing by and take a look so you have a piece of mind and understand your hot water system today.

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